Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Happy Christmas

Today a group of students has to finish the second presentation about christmas.
Others are installing the new postcards into our showcase and questionnaire 1 still has to be analysed. And questionnaire 2 has to be started.
  Another group collects words for our TABU game.

Also the polish postcards arrived,
they are so beautiful - and scented :-) !  Thank you so much!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr!

Nikola and Fynn

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Arrival of Finnish cards

The first christmas cards arrived on Friday!
It were the Finnish ones.
Thank you very much for those beautiful cards :-)
They will be installed on Wednesday in our showcase. I'll post a photo then.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

X-mas presentation

Our presentation is ready too.  
click here :-) 

christmas presentation 2

X-max cards

Christmas Cards

-today we are busy: creating the 35 (!!!) Christmas cards ...

-and we take new photos today for the info board next to the showcase.
-we stick our blog address  to the info board too.
- some are still working on the questionnaires. 

-that's all that we did today... - hard working ;-)

Ready to take off :-) 

Ozan & David

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

AG meeting

Today 4th december 2013, we have to work a lot. Everyone has to do something. One group is creating  X-mas cards.We got new and old tasks to finish.
Everybody is busy with the work. Each student has his/her task and we all try to complete it. One group is creating the post for the blog.That's what we are doing. 

Tunahan and Diyar


Saturday, 30 November 2013

Germanix and Logo

We've got our GERMANIX!!! 
58% voted for the flying dog:

designed by David, Ozan and Dominic

The SPANISH LOGO has been chosen:

 All of the partner countries voted for our Comenius logo. Most of the students liked best the spanish logo.
The bulgarian students interpreted it like this: 
The pencils symbolize the children from all the teams who live together in the EU and who will have their sensitivity to all EU issues sharpened and also become  smart and    "well-groomed" and more like each other.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Our showcase

Till Thursday -> last chance to vote:

AG Meeting, 11/27/2013

 Today, 27th November 2013, we got new and old things to complete.
One group is editing Germanix, our comic figure and 2 others are taking new photos of Halle Westphalia.
And some girls try to improve our student texts, another group improves our showcase.
The last task is to put some photos on the website.

Nikola and Fynn

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Comenius sign

The COMENIUS sign has been installed at our school. You can find it at the entrance of the secretary's office :-)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Vote for "Germanix"!

Our four proposals for the GERMANIX are online! 
Choose the best one!

Go to  products  and choose the number in the right handed column!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

German team voted

Logo created by Finland
We voted for Finland! 
We had to decide which countries' logo we like best.
Here's the result of the survey:



AG-Meeting on 20th November.

Today we all are busy, completing tasks and jobs.
Some of us are creating comic figures for our blog and stuff and others travel around Halle and take nice photos.
Others are asking people around Halle by using a questionnaire.
 And the rest of us (like us) writes texts and stories for our blog and publish our news.

Nikola and Fynn

Friday, 15 November 2013

Thursday, 14 November 2013

The one and only - logo ;-)

All of the partners created a logo for our Comenius project
Now we have to vote for the one and only :-)

The German team members are asked to 

1. click the following  link 

2. choose the best logo (Germany is excluded for German members)

3. click the country name in the right handed column. 

4. fingers crossed ;-)

We are in the newspaper! 

Haller Kreisblatt v. 14.11.2013

Saturday, 9 November 2013

The logo has been chosen

The German team voted for three different logos. 
The result of our election is this logo:

Now we are waiting to see the winner logos of the other countries in order to choose our projects' logo :-)
The logos will be presented till Friday 15th 2013.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Finland, Lappeenranta

Visit in Lappeenranta, Finland

October 6th till October 11th, 2013 

Meeting of all the partners. The coordinating teachers from Bulgary, Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey visited Finland and were really impressed of the landscape.

 Great landscape with beautiful forrests and amazing lakes.

Visit in the town hall. We got to know lots of interesting information about Lappeenranta. Accompanied by a nice PowerPointPresentation.

In the evening there was a great cooking event with the teachers from our seven partner countries.