
19th October 2014

Evaluation – students in Izmir

Students who were in Izmir answered the questionnaire about the visit.
Forty two students filled in the questionnaire. More than  half of the students have had the opportunity of speaking English with other people, 33,33% claim that it was enough for them. None of the students was too ashamed to speak with other people or hasn’t had opportunity of speaking English.
Students have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture (66,67%), they have tasted the traditional dishes (52,38%). A large majority of the students have learnt new words in Turkish (69,05%) it is much more than in any other visit. The reason might be that all of the students stayed in host families. Students  learnt about history (38,1%) and monuments (21,43%). Less than a half (35,71%) have found out about traditions of other countries. Few students have found out about the educational system (14,28%) and famous people (9,52%). One student mentioned that he learned something about Turkish personality.
Like always the most important thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other teenagers (73,81%), for more than a half of them the most important thing was to get to know a new country (59,52%) and for one third (38,1%) it was important to taste new dishes. One student added that the most important was to get to know about the culture.
Most of the students (57,14%) found the stay in Turkey as a very satisfying experience. Staying in Izmir was stressful at the beginning for one third of students. It was probably because the stayed in host families for the first time. Nevertheless they thought it was worth staying in host families. Only 4,76% of them did not like the stay in Izmir but they were glad they could have come.
Students added that they liked Turkey a lot and found out that people were nice. Another student wrote that he/she had been scared at the beginning, but later he wished to stay longer there, one student added that it had been really nice.
Most of the students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (71,43%), 28,57% are not sure about it. Any student is not interested in keeping in touch with new friends.
The students liked both sightseeing Izmir and team working  47,62% and 42,68%, eight students added that they liked making friends the most.
More than half of the students think that they have improved their English (57,14 %), because :
  • They had to speak English all the time
  • They spoke a lot in English
  • They learned new words
  • Some students from Finland know English very well, so the others improved their English speaking with them
  • They had to talk about different things in many ways
  • They had to speak with many different people in the way they could understand
One third of the students (33,3%) think they didn’t improve their English, as a reason for that they wrote:
  • They already know English very well, so they don’t need it
  • They spoke in Turkish because they know it
  • They didn’t speak with other people
Some of the students have added comments. They think that:
  • He/she learned a lot about the culture by staying with a family
  • He/she ate good food
  • They laughed a lot
  • He/she think it was very funny
  • The mobility and the people were great
  • Although the people in Turkey don’t know English very well they are wonderful people, very kind and he/she wishes to see them again
  • He/she loves Turkey and Izmir. He/she likes all those people there. He/she will visit Turkey again
  • Huge love
  • The people were nice and it was funny
  • The people were kind and it was funny to speak another language
evaluated by Poland 

21st May 2014
Evaluation of the questionnaire – students in Greece

Thirty nine students who have been in Larissa filled in the questionnaire. A large majority of the students have had the opportunity of speaking English with other people, 69% claim that it was enough for them, 30% students have had the opportunity but not too much, None of the students was too ashamed to speak with other people or hasn’t had the opportunity of speaking English.

Students have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture (71%), they have tasted the traditional dishes (69%). More than  half of the students have learnt new words in Greek language (64%) and learnt about history (61%) and monuments (58%). Less than a half (43%) have found out about the tradition of other countries. One third of the students have found out about the educational system (33%) and famous people (35%). About 7% found out something more during the meeting. The students mentioned f.e. dances.

The most important thing for the students during the mobility was to make friends with other teenagers (87%), for some of them the most important thing was to get to know new culture (25%) and for 12% it was important to taste new dishes.

Most of the students (76%) saw the stay in Greece as a very satisfying experience, only 7% of the students think it was stressful at the beginning but they were content to be there. Three students did not like the stay in Greece but they were glad they could come.

Most of the students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (82%), 20% are not sure about it. Any student is not interested in keeping in touch with new friends.
The students like sightseeing Greece most (79%) and less than a half (43%) like team work most, 7% of students like sports activities and other things for example meeting new people who are like them (17%).
A large majority of the students (69 % ) think they have improved their English, but 28% students don’t think so.
Many students have added comments:
  • it was great and thanks for giving the opportunity to improve our English, to socialize and make new friends,
  • Greece is very beautiful,
  • Comenius is a great experience, we had a  chance to meet a lot of wonderful people and travel to another place,
  • The students would like to keep in touch with new friends and promise to try to talk to them on facebook,
  • The Greek people are very funny and they can speak English very well,
  • Thank you for this experience, we will remember it for a long time,
  • The students from other country won’t easily talk to Finns because they already knew each other but it has been very fun time,
  • The students had a lot of fun,
  • Lovely trip, thank you,
  • The student enjoyed his visit in Greece
  • The student is grateful to take part in Comenius project. It was one of the best experience in her/his life. She/he already misses everyone and She/he wants to come back to Greece,
  • Water in Greece is great,
  • The student will miss Greece and people, the student loves them so much and thanks Comenius for everything.
                                                                                                                               evaluated by Poland

7th April 2014
Evaluation of the questionnaire – students in Romania
Thirty six students who have been in Bucharest filled in the questionnaire. Most of the students (69.44 %) have had enough opportunity of speaking English with other people, 25% have had the opportunity, but according to them not too much, two of the students were too ashamed to speak with other people.
Students have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture (66.67%), they have tasted the traditional dishes (61.11%). More than half of the students have learnt new words in Romanian language (55.56%). Some of them (41.67%) have found out the history of other countries. One third of the students have found out about the monuments of other countries, have learnt about the educational system and the traditions of other countries. About 20% have learnt about famous people (22.22%) and found out something more (16.67%) during the meeting.
The most important thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other teenagers (91.67%), for some of them the most important thing was to get to know a new culture (36.11%) and for 11.11% it was important to taste new dishes.
Most of the students (83.33%) found the stay in Romania a very satisfying experience, only 11.11% of the students think it was stressful at the beginning but they were content to be there. Two students did not like the stay in Romania but they were glad they could come.
Most of the students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (72.22%), 22.22% are not sure about it. Only one student is not interested in keeping in touch with new friends.
The students liked sightseeing Bucharest most (58.33%) and one in the third liked the sport activities, team – work and other activities for example meeting boys.
Most of the students (94.44 % ) think they have improved their English. Only two students don’t think so.
Seven students have added comments. They would like to repeat the visit and see their friends from other countries again. Three students wrote that they had a great time in Romania and they want to visit Romania again. One of the students is thankful to teachers for the visit and new friends for friendship.
evaluated by Poland

3rd April 2014
Evaluation questionnaire for the mobilities

 Choose the best answer/ answers to each question.

  1. During the mobility, have you had any opportunity of speaking English with other people?a. yes, enough
    b. yes, but not too much
    c. no, I haven't had any opportunity
    d. no because I was ashamed

  1. What information about our partners' countries have you found out?a. the culture of other countries
    b. the history of other countries
    c. the monuments of other countries
    d. the traditional dishes of other countries
    e. the traditions of other countries
    f. the famous people
    g. the educational system
    h. new words in the Romanian language
    i.  others......

  1. What things are important to you during the mobility? a. to make friends with other teenagers
     b.  to get to know new countries
    c. to taste new dishes

  1. The stay in Romania turned out to be a. a very satisfying experience
    b. stressful at the beginning but I am content
    c. I didn't like it but I am glad I could come
    d. I am not satisfied at all

5. Are you going to keep in touch with your new friends?
a. yes

b. no

c. I don't know

  1. What did you like most?a. sports activities
    b. team – work
    c. sightseeing Bucharest 
    d. others

  1. Do you think that you have improved your English?a. yes
    b. no

  1. Any other comments? Would you like to add anything?

15th January 2014
We wanted to know what the members of our Comenius club think about this project. So we asked:  
What do WE think about our Comenius club?

1. Have you taken part in any of the Comenius events  project so far?
      2. Did you take part in the preparation and organisation of events?

      3. Do you think such projects are useful?

4. Which skills and competences do you think you can practise and apply  during all the  activities?

5. Will communication with peers from other countries break stereotypes and help you get rid of prejudice and lack of confidence?

6. Will the future meetings make you more tolerant to cultural diversity and other people`s differences?

7. Do you want to travel to one of our partner countries?

8. Would you like to take part in a Comenius meeting?

9. Do you think such projects are worth doing?

10. Do you think young people should know more about the EU and that they are the ones to make things happen, the ones to change relationships and things in general for the better? Do you think European values should be promoted by various means?
And here are the results:

Question no.
no. of students
no. of students



No. 4:
  • ·         self-reliance
  • ·         team ability
  • ·         get to know language and culture
  • ·         better English skills
  • ·         more information about EU
  • ·         responsibility
  • ·         creativity
  • ·         trust
  • ·         oorganise things
  • ·         develop helpfulness

8th January 2014
Evaluation of our questionnaire
What do we know about EU?

Total number of people we asked in our town/ at school: 50

Number of people between 10 - 20 years
Number of people between 21 - 40 years
Number of people between 42 - 70 years

Number of males
Number of females

number of right
number of  wrong answers
no. 1
no. 2
no. 3
no. 4
no. 5
no. 6
no. 7
no. 8
no. 9
no. 10
no. 11
no. 12
no. 13
no. 14
no. 15

        Mostly all of the people knew question 7.
        Nearly no one knew question 2.
        The oldest man (78) knew nearly everything.
      People thought that the 12 stars in the flag are representing 12 countries.

December 2013
Our polish partners developed a questionnaire concerning the knowledge about the EU.
What about YOU??? Can you answer all the questions? Have a try and see how much you know. You'll find the answers below the questions.
What do we know about EU?
1.    When was the European Union created?
2.    From which organisation does the European Union originate?
3.    Who is considered to be ''the father'' of the European Union?
4.    Which countries founded the European Union?
5.    How many member states does the European Union have at present?
6.    Name five countries of the  European Union
7.    What does the flag of the European Union look like?
8.    What is the significance of the stars on the European Union flag?
9.    How many stars are there on the European Union flag?
10.  What is the anthem of the European Union?
11.  In which city/ cities is the seat of the European Parliament located?
12.  How many members does he European Parliament have?
13.  When do we celebrate the Day of Europe?
14.  The European Union received an important prize in 2012. What was it?
15. In which important areas does the European Union give its support? (name at least three)

1. 1993
2. EGKS and EWG
3. Konrad Adenauer
4. Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg
5. 28
6. (diff.)
7. blue with 12 yellow stars
8. Perfection, unity, completeness
9. 12
      9th symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven  "Joy, beautiful spark of the gods"
11.  Strasbourg, France
12. 626
13. 9th May
14. Nobel Peace Prize
15. Support programs for the development of the agricultural area,
regional development in the EU Member States,
research and innovation 
and others 


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