Today a group of students has to finish the second presentation about christmas. Others are installing the new postcards into our showcase and questionnaire 1 still has to be analysed. And questionnaire 2 has to be started.
Another group collects words for our TABU game.
Also the polish postcards arrived,
they are so beautiful - and scented :-) ! Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr!
Today 4th december 2013, we have to work a lot. Everyone has to do something. One group is creating X-mas cards.We got new and old tasks to finish. Everybody is busy with the work. Each student has his/her task and we all try to complete it. One group is creating the post for the blog.That's what we are doing.