Wednesday, 29 October 2014



Today we have answered another question on Twin Space “What is your favourite holiday?” , but we are very few people today, because the other pupils are at another school for a taster day.
So today we have continued our “Dream Jobs” presentation.
We have a new member in our Comenius Club his name is „Diogo“. You want details? Look at "German team" ;-)

Greetings, Ozan :)

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

new tasks

There are a lot of tasks to fulfil today.
First everyone answers the question on TwinSpace „What do you like to do in your free time?“
Some of us have to write a little text about their trip to Turkey. Such as experiences, family, food and so on. You can see the texts in "Visit in Turkey".
Lea and Yvonne put the comic pages in the right order, also they have to add two connecting pages, one in the beginning and one at the end, before Turkey is going to continue our comic.
Lukas and Moritz are busy answering the „teenagers' rights questions" and filling in the form.
Pia and Paula finish their transparencies concerning dream jobs.
Bye bye

Lynn, Pia & Madeline ♥

Saturday, 18 October 2014


It's necessary to create a new common website. I'm still working on it, but here's a first impression:

 Feel free to comment or critizise. As I'm not yet used to the program, I'll do my very best. But it will take some time...

To look at the old one use this link:

old website 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Back from Turkey

Getting to know Turkey during our Comenius mobility was totally different from former holiday experiences! 

The possibility to stay with host families gave us a deeper view into the living circumstances and some cultural aspects. 

The hospitality was amazing! Everyone was very friendly and made so many efforts  to assure that we felt really comfortable. 
presents from Turkey :-)