Thursday, 27 November 2014

online survey

We've created an online-survey concerning the media consumption of young people. 
Please feel free to take part in our survey. Here's the link:

It's online till 8th December.
Thank you! ♥

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Twinspace question - and: Special guest Tristan ;-)

Good morning in the morning,

today we were thinking about a question for Twinspace and of course we've got one: 
How do you celebrate Christmas and what's your wish?
It was the idea of Madeline, Lynn and Paula.
Jonas has finished our presentation on dream jobs (some boys were missing).
Also, we have started creating our media-survey. All the participating countries will get a link when it's ready.
Some of the girls went into some classes to ask questions about media consumation.

Today we have a special guest Tristan :P    

TRISTAN: He is a nice guy, 16 years old, single, from Werther, he is gay (he is in love with Diyar ;)

Ozan, David

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The boys are back :-)

Today we wachted some Youtube videos from the other comenius clubs. They are great! We got extremely motivated so perhaps we'll create a video too :)
Some boys  - Tunahan,Fynn and Jan-Lukas  -  returned to our club ("Economical English" was too difficult) welcome back :-D. They have to finish their "dreamjobs". We answered the question about human rights. Human rights are for me self-evident.You can see the answer on Twinspace. We are still working on the questionnaire concerning media. Marica, Paula and Pia started running around to ask several students about it.
Greets Diogo :)

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

New tasks♥

Today some of us have to fill in a form for our voyages to Bulgaria and Spain.
Zehra and Eva have to finish our comic because Janine and Yvonne are no longer in our Comenius Club and didn't finish their task. 
We all have to answer the forum question on Twinspace: ''Do you like sports?''. It was very quick for Tami and me to answer it, because we don't like or do sports. 
Today we'll start a new project concerning ''youth and media''. :D  We have to think about some questions and after that we're going to make interviews with the students at our school. When we've got the results we're going to present them in a graphic. 
By the way if you want to get information about the next voyage, go to ''visit in Bulgaria''. :)
Tami ♥ and Paula ♥

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Getting smaller !

Unfortunately our Comenius Club gets smaller, because some of us have changed to a new English-Club (economical English). In the beginning we were 24 students, now there are 17 left. 
Today we answered the question on the eTwinning website. The dreamjob presentation is nearly ready. Jonas is adding all the pages and editing them. Janine will bring the last two pages of the comic tomorrow (hopefully ;-))
Many greetings Diogo,David